Chocolate Chip-Pecan Buttermilk Waffles

Chocolate Chip-Pecan Buttermilk Waffles

šŸ„žšŸ«šŸ Indulge in Decadence: Chocolate Chip-Pecan Buttermilk Waffles!

Crafted with care and infused with the sweetness of Wood's Vermont Maple Syrup, this recipe isĀ the epitomeĀ of breakfast decadence.

Begin by whisking together King Aurthur's self-risingĀ flour, a hint of Wood's Maple Sprinkles, and kosher salt in a large bowl, creating a harmonious blend of dry ingredients. In a separate bowl, combine creamy buttermilk, canola oil, eggs, and vanilla extract, infusing the batter with richness and depth of flavor.

As you gently incorporate the buttermilk mixture into the flour, marvel at the luscious texture and delightful aroma that fills the airā€”a promise of waffle perfection in the making. Refrigerate the batter for 30 minutes, allowing the flavors to meld and develop.

Preheat your waffle iron and generously spray it with cooking spray to ensure golden, crispy waffles with every bite. Ladle the batter onto the iron and sprinkle each waffle with a heavenly mixture of toasted pecans and semisweet chocolate chips, adding a layer of decadence to each bite.

Cook the waffles until they are beautifully golden brown and crispy. Serve them warm, drizzled generously with Wood's Traditional Maple Syrup, and garnish with additional pecans and chocolate chips for a touch of elegance.

With every bite of our Chocolate Chip-Pecan Buttermilk Waffles, you're not just indulging in breakfastā€”you're headed straight for tastebud delight. Perfect for lazy weekend mornings or special occasions, these waffles are a true ode to the sweetness of Vermont maple syrup. šŸ„žšŸ«šŸ

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